Saturday, 7 April 2012

Evolution of the E-learning sector in the economic crisis: Ireland&Spain

Ireland and Spain have plenty of differences in their e-learning sectors as the labor and Academic situation on both countries differ a lot. I will try to analyze here the big picture in relation to e-learning and the new labor reforms in Ireland and Spain. 

We can affirm that "Ireland’s labor market is more flexible than Spain’s". In fact, in both Ireland and Spain the employment destruction was very high when the construction sectors crashed and originated the actual crisis. After that happened, the unemployment has raised higher in Spain than in Ireland,  what could be related with the different economic and labor situations of both countries. The Irish government tried to control labor costs with an adjustment on wages while the Spanish government tried forced companies to reduce costs by firing employees. The result has been a recovering of the Irish but not from the Spanish economic situation.

Taking in consideration the above facts, and knowing that normally an economic crisis brings a raise in the e-learning sector of most countries, we will be tempted to affirm that the evolution in the e-learning sector should be higher in Spain than in Ireland, but we can not forgot that the Spanish e-learning sector raised a lot with the EU policies related to employment and the funds sent to Spain to increase the population labor skills but that funds were cut down with the new EU program 2014-2010 engage.

Spanish e-learning sector is weaker now than in the past years as less money is coming from Europe for workers education. There are some articles talking about the possibility that the last can change as result of the new labor reform and how it could affects professional training but it doesn´t seem to be happening yet (here you have  an interesting article from, and José Manuel Corona Álvarez analyzes how the the writer refers to the possible increase in e-learning due to the new training legislation in the proposed reform)

The Irish e-learning sector, weak before the crisis, is rising to a new level in the last years and the Spanish sector, that was very strong in the pass, is getting weaker due to reduction of EU funds for education and training .

 ____ Summary in Spanish

Os dejo aquí un artículo interesante publicado en donde José Manuel Corona Álvarez analiza cómo afecta la nueva reforma laboral a la formación en la empresa, hace alusión al posible incremento de la formación e-learning con el nuevo entramado de permisos de formación que propone la reforma, donde el empresario está ahora obligado a conceder los permisos de formación que cada empleado desee o diseñar un plan formativo para sus trabajadores y cumplirlo.

Veremos cómo evoluciona la formación de los trabajadores en España, esperemos que sea de forma positiva.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Tests online

Una herramienta muy útil para crear exámenes online es Zoho Challenge, acabo de hacerme una cuenta y ver cómo funciona.

Te da múltiples opciones para confeccionar las preguntas, y una vez creadas puedes generar una web donde cualquier persona puede hacer el examen online o limitar el acceso sólo a las personas que desees.

Cuando entras en tu cuenta puedes ver qué alumnos han realizado el examen junto con sus puntuaciones,
He creado un examen de prueba al que puede acceder todo el mundo (puedes echarle un vistazo)

Statsilk: Interactive Maps and Graphics

Some days ago I found statsilk, a really useful tool to increase the motivation and engagement of students in courses.

 You will be able to create interactive maps with statistics in different topics. Once installed you can import data from Excel. 

In their website they have a long list of examples already developed and ready to use and they explain how you can create maps with your own data.

------------------------- Article translated to Spanish--------------------------------------

Hola compañeros: hace unos días baje de esta web una aplicación que puede resultar muy útil en e-learning.

Si en tu curso puede resultar útil un mapa interactivo con estadísticas sobre cualquier tema merece la pena que lo pruebes. Una vez instalado puedes importar datos a Excel y de forma automática te genera el mapa interactivo que fomentará en gran medida la motivación de los alumnos.