Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Creating a newsletter to send by Email

In my diary work apart from solving all questions and problems, related to our LMS, found by students at lecturers, I need to promote the use of educational technology among the academic community. 

My aim is to make lecturers to go an step beyond and start using an activity in Moodle they have never used before or let them know about new ways in which they can help themselves and their students using Moodle.

My predecessors had a basic workshops training for lecturers, so a couple of times per week an email will be send to all lecturers to let them know about the two sessions in which different Moodle tools and skills will be taught. 

I keep teaching these 30 minutes to 1 hour workshops as they are very useful for lecturers but not all of them are willing to come to the workshop or, even if they are, not all of them will find enough time, in their already busy schedules, to come for the face to face sessions.

As the assistance to that workshop is very low, I thought about a new way in which I could make that learning and motivation to get to lecturers and my idea was make the learning go to their mobile and computer screens a couple of time per week and in the format of very short videos. 

To accomplish that I first though that I will need to send a nice and professional email to all staff inviting them to watch the Moodle Minute Videos. To create that email I used the next tools:

1. Komposer: I downloaded this HTML free editor 
2. Downloaded a free template from https://99designs.com

The process was as described…
a) Edited the downloaded template with Komposer and adjusted it as wished.
b) Saved it as html and opened it with Internet explorer
c) In internet explorer under the next path: File—Send—Page by Email (If you do not see ‘File’ in the top left is because it’s hidden. Click ALT on the keyboard and the menu bar will show up)
d) That will open the html designed email in the default email program installed in your computer (Outlook in my case).

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