Tuesday 9 February 2016

Moodle: Total number of courses, users, posts...

At first view, it seems like a very easy information to find out in Moodle, and it's if you know where it is.

You can find that information under the 'administration block'-- Site administration--Registration-There, under the label 'More information' you will be able to find the bellow information.

Number of courses (0000)
Number of users (00000)
Number of role assignments (00000)
Number of posts (00000)
Number of questions (00000)
Number of resources (00000)
Number of badges (0)
Number of issued badges (0)
Average number of participants (00.0)
Average number of course modules (00.00)

Other ways to extract specific information in Moodle are...

Bulk user actions: creating a 'New filter' under 'Bulk user actions' (under Site administration) or you can install the ''Custom SQL queries report', this admin report plugin allows Administrators to set up arbitrary database queries to act as ad-hoc reports.

Site Wide Reports: There are some options where but I would like to highlight 'Question instances': lists all the contexts in the system where there are questions of a particular type...

Course Reports: Here is a video in Moolde showing how to use them.

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